Pricing out a Raise / Investment ROund
RFP Tool Terms of Use
We understand that calling an attorney may be a scary prospect for some individuals or may not be the top of your todo list. While we think of ourselves as approachable, we created this RFP Tool process to help the potential client get a non-binding price quote from the Firm provided by a real attorney in relatively short order for the purpose of envisioning the potential relationship with the Firm.
By using this service, you agree to keep any price quote information received in response to your submission confidential. While we think of the Firm as providing good value to its clients relative to larger firm competitors, the Firm does not attempt to be the lowest cost provider of legal services. Therefore, using this service for price shopping is likely not a good use of your time.
Because the Firm may have conflicts, please do not provide any confidential information at this point. In some cases, a follow-up call will be necessary to get additional information before a price quote could be given.
The Tool may charge a non-refundable $1.00 fee to the submitter's credit card to assist with authentication of the submitter's identity. The submission of this information and the collection of this fee does not create an attorney-client relationship.
You may not use this tool if you are a law firm looking for legal work or a competitor trying to design your website. Please reach out to the Firm directly.
The Firm accepts no liability from your use of this RFP Tool. By submitting your information through this form, you consent to sharing the information therein with the Firm and any contractors its uses to fullfil its clients' legal needs. The information submitted will be deleted periodically. The information will not be used for any purpose other than responding to the submitter's request, except that that aggregated deidentified information may be stored by the Firm and used for any purpose.
All rights reserved.